Saturday, January 20, 2007

What's next?

Were is the programming world of today? To a new paradigm shift (personal opinion). The current programming paradigm (object-oriented) is fading. Programmers need something more (you'll see this need more in the research area, not in the commercial area). But which will be the new paradigm? AOP, MDA? There's a lot attention to models this days; a lot of people would bet on that. The problem is not to focus all our attention in only one place. And maybe incremental evolution is not the answer. All great discoveries were revolutionary and not incremental evolutions. What would it be if Einstein didn't dare contradict all physics of his days to say that things are not as they seem? As Alan Kay says in a presentation at "The Intel Research Berkeley Programming Systems Seminar Series", we have the equivalent of Maxwell's equations (i'll let you discover what they are), but we still need the Theory of Relativity... This is kind of a radical way to think but this is the only way to get new and great things.

In 1975, Berkeley philosopher Paul Feyerabend wrote a book called "Against Method," in which he said: " of the most striking features of recent discussions in the history and philosophy of science is the realization that events and developments ... occurred only because some thinkers either decided not to be bound by certain ‘obvious’ methodological rules, or because they unwittingly broke them."
In "The Invisible Computer," Donald Norman wrote, "...the current paradigm is so thoroughly established that the only way to change is to start over again."

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